Udisha Srivastav: Foods for Vaginal Health: Your Quick Femsay Guide

You are what you consume, and so is your vagina. Your nutriment affects pretty much everything from your menstruation to your mood, so consuming the delicious foods keeping your vaginal health in mind can help maintain things running smoothly down there!

For the absolute vaginal-health-boosting nourishment, follow these expert’s choices for your favorite diets! Read on to this quick Femsay guide. 

Eat A Lot Of Prebiotics And Probiotics

Your vagina, like your stomach, needs active bacteria to combat infections and preserve a normal pH. Luckily, any diets that help improve gut health can also help stimulate a healthy balance of vaginal bacteria. 

To boost both your gut and vaginal health, experts suggest consuming a combo of prebiotic foods like garlic, onions, and raw leeks along with probiotic foods like yogurt, kimchi, pickles, sauerkraut, tempeh, and kombucha. 

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One thing to note: Prebiotic and probiotic supplements aren’t as adequate as actual prebiotic and probiotic foods. Lab formulations don’t win over Mother Nature!

Enjoy Nuts And Other Healthy Fats

Healthy fats like those found in nuts, olive oil, and avocados are frequently glorified as superfoods for their function in regulating one’s cholesterol. In addition, it also helps maintain your estrogen levels in balance, creating a healthy mucosal lining that can help stave off infections. Besides, almonds and other kinds of nuts are particularly good because they contain B vitamins and calcium that prevent vaginitis.

Avoid Processed Foods

While prebiotic and probiotic foods add helpful bacteria to the gut and vagina, experts say processed foods depress your immune network. It can also sustain dangerous bacteria to take over. In turn, this can lead to all sorts of difficulties down there, including bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections, dryness, pain during sex, and urinary tract disorders.

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Go Easy On The Sugar

Too many sugars aren’t favorable for your vagina either. Particularly, it can damage or kill important vaginal bacteria called Lactobacilli. Sugar is opposed to a probiotic. The bacterial unevenness can lead to yeast sicknesses, ache, and irritation—three things you don’t want to deal with.

Avoid Meat And Dairy Containing Artificial Hormones

Distinct meats and dairy products include xenoestrogens—artificial hormones that imitate estrogen. These can obstruct estrogen from the vagina, avoiding the mucosal lining from forming, which, again, can leave you open to illness.

Leafy Greens Help Decrease Vaginal Dryness

Leafy greens add a long list of health benefits to the vagina. Dark leafy greens are a blood-purifying trusted source and enhance circulation due to their several nutrients, containing dietary nitrates. This can help prevent vaginal dryness and increase stimulation, which is never a terrible thing.

These greens are also prosperous in vitamin E, magnesium, and calcium, all of which are useful to muscle health — including vaginal muscles.

Stay hydrated

“The vagina is just like the inside of the mouth,” says Dr. Levine. 

“When a woman is thirsty and parched, her vagina probably is too.” 

Hydration can also help prevent any unusual odors from surfacing down there. So, just one more reason to gulp down those eight glasses a day.

Take Care Of Your Vaginal Health!

Even when you make quick choices every day to favor your vagina, troubles may still arise. If you find any vaginal symptoms, such as itching, burning, discharge, bleeding, pain, a fishy odor, incontinence, or an intensified desire to urinate, make appointments at health care providers to evaluate your symptoms. 

Image courtesy: Women Health

Udisha Srivastav is a Freelance Content Writer with Femsay.com