Udisha Srivastav - Working Mothers, Young Children, and A Life Immersed In Juggling

Being a working mother is not at all an effortless job. If anyone tells you they find it simple, they’re either fibbing, or they have bionic energies beyond the domain of humanity. We, especially parents, wish to do everything in our esprit to the nicest of our proficiency, but occasionally, it just isn’t possible.

If you are shortly to be a new Mom and are anxious about your busy schedule getting on the path, the piece is about to shed light on the awareness of juggling job and motherhood.

The Juggle Work Is Real!

Equilibrium is the main aspect when it comes to being a mother, and particularly when it comes to being a working mother. 

In a discussion at the United States of Women Summit, Michelle Obama said: “You can have it all, just not all at the same time.” Well, if you are struggling to save all the “balls in the air”, let go of utopian expectations, recognize your preferences, and entitle yourself to be in the period.

YOUR Emphases And Priorities Matter 

Anxiety, mom-guilt, and difficulty all arise when there is a disconnection between what you are doing and what you wish to be doing. For instance, when your supervisor wants you to work late or you spend the whole Saturday working in the laundry. If you don’t have time for the things that please you, then you will always be squeezed into the ground of disappointment. Again, our advice is, don’t let the mom-guilt simmer in.

Set Out Your Limitations 

It’s so significant as a young mom to make your newborn a primacy. As your kid grows, this prioritization should not alter. If you believed you could take up mom’s life and a career but are discovering it all excessively, there’s no embarrassment in streamlining. Confirm your spouse is there to favor your determination and take a pause to concentrate on just being a mother for a while. You are only mortal. You will look behind at this time when your kids are grown-ups and thank yourself for forming those limitations.

Use Technology 

If you’re often hurrying in and out of your home, ever on the go, you require some technology to assist you out and some smart ways to manage our daily tasks, such as helping your kids complete their homework, etc.

Check out this amazing blog: 11 Efficient Ways To Deal With Homework Challenges For Kids

Surely, we all utilize technology every day to support us with the job, academy, socializing, banking, surveying, and leisure. However, how can technology enable you to juggle being a mother and still finish all your other assignments?

You can utilize technology to get rid of dreary tasks that take up nonessential time, like documenting your mail. Having mailbox access digitally means you can effortlessly sort through and categorize your mail using your smartphone. You can do this process from the back of a car, a physician’s waiting hall, or an office break cabin! Invent your life effortlessly using technology and of course, you’ll never repent of it.

Leaning On Your Loved Ones

“There’s that age-old saying: ‘It takes a village to raise a child.’ Well, there’s a reason so many people repeat it.”

For sure, children want their parents and will constantly gravitate toward them, but don’t be afraid to ask for assistance. Your family and close beloved colleagues are likely delighted to support and take care of your children and curtail the load of your busy life. Also, being in the company of several grown-ups, kids can look up to them and be comfortable around more people than just their parents, which boosts their socialization skills, and encourages their development.


Whatever you do for a living and however able you are as a woman, nobody can do everything alone and no one has the superpowers. It is not an acknowledgment of flaw to beg for aid. You can only do your fairest, and no matter what, your kids will comprehend all you do for them, even if it’s impossible.

Feature Image Credits: The Washington Post

Udisha Srivastav is a Freelance Content Writer with Femsay.com