Coronavirus has had a huge impact on our way of life. Distancing oneself from others, wearing masks, and washing one’s hands often has become the new standard. All of these steps are being taken to prevent the Coronavirus from spreading. Lockdown is another measure that many countries, including India, have implemented. Citizens’ freedom of movement is limited, which means that most of us are confined to our homes. Working from home, homeschooling children, temporary job loss, and other activities may become part of our new routine while we remain indoors.

These lifestyle changes, coupled with the fear of contracting COVID-19, may have a negative impact on our mental health and well-being. Changes in sleeping or eating habits, trouble concentrating, worsening of chronic health problems, and increased consumption of alcohol, tobacco, and narcotics are all common signs of stress.

Here are 5 ways you can effectively manage stress and stay positive:

  1. Work-it-out: Without a doubt, exercise has a positive effect on physical health and is advised during this pandemic to keep your body safe, increase your stamina, and improve your mood. In fact, numerous studies have found a correlation between exercise and a lower risk of depression. If you’re in a bad mood, get everyone in your house to do a quick workout.
  2. Focus on having Fun: Even though this is a frightening and stressful period, you—especially your children—need to have some fun every day. Perhaps an impromptu dance party, Taco Tuesday, movie night, family game night or yard games, or a virtual video play date are all possibilities. Learning a new instrument, drawing, or resurrecting old video games are all examples of personal enjoyment.
  3. Set a schedule: With families working and school taking place at home, it’s easy to let the day pass you by without stopping for meals, exercise, or even a little fun. Burnout will leave you physically drained if you don’t adhere to a routine. If you have children at home that need treatment or schooling, your schedule will need to be more flexible than normal, and that’s fine.
  4. Socialize but Virtually: It’s important to maintain contact with people outside of your house. And it’s natural to want to interact with people who aren’t in your shelter with you – there is no such thing as too much quality time. You don’t have to cancel playdates, happy hours, birthday parties, or dinners only because you can’t physically get together in groups. Isolation can cause depression or increase anxiety in humans because we are social creatures at our core.
  5. Meditate Daily: This is something you can do on your own to relax your mind and relieve your anxiety. Meditation is an excellent way to relieve everyday tension, anger, and anxiety. Mental and emotional stress may have a physical effect. People who are depressed often feel drained, irritable, and are more susceptible to illness. You can also relax your body by meditating and relaxing your mind.

Kritika is a freelance content writer with